Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hey there family and friends!
How is everyone doing? Hopefully good and this past week has been a fun and exciting one for everyone.
Mine hasn’t been to good when it comes to things outside of missionary work. The work here is booming! I seriously cannot plan for everything I want to do in a day so that is just awesome! It is hard to balance everything and that’s probably the hardest thing right now because there are so many people that I want to visit or need to and I just cant fill them all in so it is becoming a little difficult but you know me I’ll do it.
So the bad things about what happened is that first I found out that my colts lost the superbowl which is worthless. I saw a glimpse here and there while we were out teaching and I saw at halftime it was close then at the end of the 3rd it was close then I just heard the last result and it was ridiculous! Burt that’s ok it is AOK!
The other bad thing is a little worse. I got into a car accident and now am probably done driving for the rest of my mission. I was only driving for a week too! It wasn’t even my fault either! So here’s the story: I was driving down on a one lane road and I was going to turn right into a grocery store area (the lane is really wide too just to add) and so I flick my blinker on and check the mirrors and I start to move over. All is well until I heard a CRUNCH sound and I knew something wasn’t right. A stupid car was coming on the right side of me to turn at the light which was 100 yards away from me. So I went right into him. We both pulled over and the dude was all mad and cussing and stuff and I’m just sitting there and am overwhelmed with everything because it had been a very hectic day and things just weren’t going very well. It was “one of those days” and so we got everything settled and the police came and checked everything out and stuff and it was just a lot of time gone and things like that it was rather annoying. So now I’m not driving anymore and the car’s front side passenger bumper and a little of the fender is damaged and on the other dude it was the driver side front fender and there was a huge scratch down the whole side. So that was probably the “greatest” thing that happened this week. NOT!
For the missionary work there it is just going so good. We set a date for someone to get baptized and I am hoping things go well for that. His name is skylar fresh. (sweet last name huh?) he’s an awesome guy he’s my age and is definitely ready! Then the work is just progressing so well it is awesome! I am loving it! I’m becoming so comfortable with everyone and it is like another home for me out here and it’s just awesome. The companion has even settled down a little and is not as robotic anymore. I think I have finally wore on him or something.
The last thing to comment on was the temple trip we had today. I just had gotten back from the temple before coming and writing this. I LOVE the temple!!!! It is such an amazing place and you feel God’s love So strong there it is the greatest feeling! I feel so at peace and it really helps me understand my favorite scripture better. John 14: 27 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.” What an amazing scripture and it is so true! Christ will give us that peace in life that we need if we allow him to.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week this week and all of you who have a sweetheart have an awesome time and a very happy valentines day!
Love you all!
Elder Eddie Holloway

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