Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey there family and friends!
So this last week has been a very eventful week. Well a really eventful past few days because I found out where I am going to be for the next 6 weeks. It was really sad knowing as well because I am leaving Visalia to go back up to merced. I am kinda excited because I’ll be able to see people I left coming down here but I am more sad because I have made family down here. I have developed a bond with everyone that I will never forget and it makes me really sad to have to leave. Hopefully I will be able to come down for the ending part of my mission because I would LOVE to finish down here! We’ll just have to wait and see though. I’m going to try to bug my mission president every transfer to see if I could finish down here so we’ll just have to see. Haha
Anyways it is going to be a whole different world up there becaseu I go back to hmong work and I am not going to be fed as well. (which is a good and bad thing. Good because I can start working on losing some weight and start lookin good but bad becaseu I LOVE the food!) haha it is going to be an interesting task. I am going to be with a missionary named elder tuttle who is only a couple months behind me in missionary years. He was born on the same day as I was in real years. So it is going to be another adventure that is for sure.

Not much more to say other than I will be emailing next week on MONDAY so make sure you all write before that if you want to write me.
I love all of you SO MUCH! I’ll let you know how Merced is next week. Until that time though take care of yourselves and keep on doing what you all do best! Stay close to the Lord and do the things He wants us to and I can promise you that He will make things go SO much better!
Love you all!
Miss you!
Elder Eddie Holloway

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