Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello family and friends!
How is everyone doing? I hope this last couple weeks has been well. It’s been a little bit since I last wrote a big one so I have a ton of stuff to update everyone with….
So I’m going to begin with 2 weeks ago from tomorrow. We had a zone conference and we had Larry Gibbins of the 2nd quorum of the 70 come and it was an amazing experience. He is a really great guy and very loving and very knowledgeable with the gospel and has a strong spirit about him. I know because at the end of the conference he called 10 people into a room and he interviewed them and I was one of them. It was amazing! I was able to experience first hand the power he had. He was able to discern my thoughts and I didn’t even say anything because he was asking questions that pierced me to the soul and they were just what I needed to hear. I felt so much better about the whole thing up here in this area.
Things were still a little rough here for the next couple days but I told Elder Gibbins that I would accept that I was here and then I would do my best and it really changed things a ton because things are getting a ton better here. I have learned that things are a ton about attitude though this experience and when you finally humble yourself and accept what the Lord has for you, you will do wonders. It is amazing how true that is. I have learned that because I have been able to really feel the Spirit this week. It has really been amazing. I can’t believe it. We have given a couple blessings this week and the people have wanted me to do them and when I get up there and put my hands on their head and I feel a burst of peace and love and warmth and words come flooding into my head and it is an incredible thing. I have come to really be a good instrument in the Lord’s hands finally. It has taken me a bit but this past week I have been doing good.
So down here in Visalia the work is going pretty good. A lot different but I have accepted it and have begun to like things. I still miss merced but the baptism really helped me feel a little closure which is nice. I still do miss it though. We have two amazing people we’re teaching. One is david and he has a date for December 12 and he is solid. He is a great guy and is really willing to learn and wants to be baptized because he feels at home in the church. Then we have Bryana Ervin and she is awesome too. She’s 14 and is a better 14 year old then I was at that time. She is going to church each week early morning seminary, reads, prays and does everything. The only problem is that her dad wont let her be baptized. So that’s the only thing keeping her back. Her dad will come around sometime hopefully. We just need to pray for her.
So before I get to the baptism I forgot to mention a funny story that happened last Monday. We went Frisbee golfing. Which is quite fun actually. We’ve been twice last Monday and yesterday. I got second place yesterday and only one stroke behind someone who has been playing for years and I beat someone who has been playing most his mission. So I’m not that bad. Haha but last week we were playing and elder llewelyn (my companion) was throwing it and it was a hole where it has to go over a river well he threw it and it was really good until it hit a tree and then it fell into the water. Well it wasn’t his frisby so he tried to get it out with a stick. Well the current was a little to strong for him and SPLASH! He went right in the river. It was SOOOOOOOOO funny! He got the Frisbee and then got out and was dripping. I was crying so hard because I was laughing. He said the water was so cold! Which just made me laugh even more. He’s one of the very few missionaries that gets to go swimming and can still be around to tell the tale.
So now for the baptism…. It was the greatest thing I can possibly think of. It was such a wonderful thing being able to go into the water and baptize Guyver Lee. It was so funny. I didn’t know what I was really doing at first and me and him are standing in the water. When we finally get situated I say the prayer and then I dunk him. Well I dunked him and right before I was able to lift him up DOINK! There goes his foot right out of the water. So we had to do it again. I just had to laugh and I was messing with him before we got ready for the next one. We he had gotten all the water out of his eyes I said it again and this time before I put him under I paused and told him to keep his feet down. I dunked him and held him under a little longer this time so I could quickly glance to see if all of him was under. He was so then I lifted him up and he was clean. It was the greatest thing being able to say the prayer and watch him go under the water and come back up perfectly clean. Words cannot describe the feelings I felt. They closed the curtain and the next thing I hear is a little splash and I look over and I see Guyver back in the water “what are you doing in there?” I asked “it’s cold out there!” that’s all he could say. I just had to laugh. There he was sitting on the last step and almost under the water again. I guess he needed a little more cleaning or something. But then his mom came and he went and got all dressed up and everything.
I loved being back up in merced it was nice and I really needed it because I can now say that my purpose being up there the first time is done until I get called back up there. So the baptism helped me out just as much as it helped Guyver out.

Well that has been my past few weeks. It’s pretty long as you can see. But I hope you liked it. Thanksgiving is in 2 days and I just want to tell all of you that I am thankful for wonderful family and friends like all of you. Well I can’t say friends because you are family as well. So this thanksgiving I am thankful not only for the chance to be a missionary and help people like my little buddy guyver lee but also because I have such amazing family backing me up the whole way like you.

I love all of you and miss all of you tons! Have a WONDERFUL HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!
Elder Eddie Holloway

So the pictures are a couple from the baptism with me guyver, his family, and the hmong missionaries, then there is one with me on the tree at the golf course. One of the Frisbees got caught so I climbed up this stick after I got lifted up and hung there and it fell down. Then there is a couple with me elder fox and Julia back in merced and in hmong clothes! They are pretty good looking huh?!?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hey there Family and Friends!
How is everyone doing this week? Hope your week went well. Mine has been crazy that’s for sure. I found out where I am going next transfer. I am opening a new area where there haven’t been any hmong elders for years. I am not excited at all to be honest. I am going to be with my trainer and well be a couple hours away from merced. It’s the same distance from fresno as merced is but south. I am not excited because I want to stay up here in merced. I love this place to much. I have made family and I feel that my work isn’t done yet. Yesterday was probably the hardest day I have ever had saying goodbye to everyone. What made it even harder is that guyver (the 9 year old boy who is doing awesome) and his sister athena wrote a letter to president gonzalez when they found out that I was leaving and they want me to give it to them. They said to read it first and my heart broke! They are asking if I could stay a little longer so I could baptize guyver around his birthday which is the 10th. I am going to be talking to president gonzalez to see if I can come back up to baptize him otherwise life is going to suck to be honest. But yeah that’s where I’m heading for next transfer. Fox is training up here in merced and he says that he’s jealous of me because he wants to go down to open a new area and be with llewelyn. I would rather trade him to be honest but I guess vicellia has something for me.
Anyways last Monday was really fun we played basketball with some other missionaries and that was a blast I haven’t played basketball for a long time. Tuesday and Wednesday we had some crazy weather here. The wind was insane and we had to bike in it. Going with the wind we cruised but coming against it I felt like I was going backwards. I went to the dentist on Wednesday as well because I was having tooth problems and I found a lds dentist and he fixed me up free of charge and was going to do a really important thing in a couple weeks for me that was free as well but I’m going to be in vicellia. So that’s a no go.
Anyways halloween this year was really fun. We went to the stake trunk or treat and I had a blast. Me and fox were in charge of the rootbeer floats and I enjoyed it because we joked around and met a ton of kids and it was a blast. Then yesterday I said my goodbyes to everyone which was incredibly hard. Hopefully I’m coming back to merced.
Nothing really new when it comes to the food things but I did get a ton of candy which I’m not complaining about.
Hope all is well everyone! Next time I talk to you I’ll be in the southern part of the mission.
Love you all TONS!
Elder Eddie Holloway

Just some of the many pictures i took this past week! hope you enjoy! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey there Family!
How is everyone doing? Things going good for all of you? I hope so. Things out here have been pretty good full of all sorts of stuff so let me get started so I can get it all done in time. By the way I wasn’t able to write yesterday because of Columbus day. Dumb holiday but that’s ok. And also I won’t be writing until Tuesday next week because I have a temple trip and won’t write until then. I’ll let you know how the temple trip went next week.
Anyways let me start off with a miracle story that happened on Monday it was so awesome! So we were going to visit a investigator/recent convert (there are two of them and their two kids. They are named cogi and pahoua) and we get there and knock but they didn’t answer so we knocked again. Their neighbors were there and they heard us so they opened the door and started talking to us saying that they hadn’t answered the door when they had tried but they were home because we heard them. The neighbors we were talking to were named amber who is 13 and then my man malachi who is 6 just a little older than brayden is actually. So I got to talking with malachi and then pahoua answers (she’s the recent convert) and we see if cogi is there and he’s asleep so we said we’d come back in a little bit. So then amber goes up to pahoua and asks something I didn’t hear since I was playing with malachi but fox heard it and she was asking if they had their food stamps because they had no money but they didn’t. so to make a long story short we gave them some food. The miracle happens with how everything fell into place. It was amazing because just a couple days before. Julia the 12 year old girl we teach. Her mom loves us and gave us a big slab of ribs that we had no idea what to do with and a bunch of fruit as well. That popped into our heads when we were trying to think of how we could help so we got the ribs and some fruit for them. Then 3 weeks ago from Monday we were shopping and they had a huge bag of cereal on sale for 2 bucks so I got one even though I had a ton of cereal but I can’t pass up a good deal like that. I felt like I should get another one but I passed it by. Then when I was buying all my food I felt like I really needed to get one and I didn’t know why so I had the worker ring me up for 2 and I grabbed it on the way out. That’s something else we gave them. It is amazing how the Lord made all of those things work out so perfectly. If we had left a couple minutes later or if pahoua had answered the door when amber had first knocked or if I hadn’t gotten the cereal or we hadn’t gotten the ribs none of this would have worked out. It is amazing how the Lord works.
Then we had two more exchanges this week which were no fun at all but on the second one I had another miracle. I was with a Spanish missionary this time named elder garret and we were in his area so checking out the Spanish people and we went to this area (which was right behind cogi’s apartment complex actually) and we had an appointment but they forgot we were coming. So then we were heading out and there was this boy just standing there and elder garret walked by him and as I was walking by I said “hey. How are you?” then he said he was good and asked if I was a Mormon. So then we got to talking and then garret came over and we decided to teach this kid a lesson. His name was Andrew and he was a STUD! He is 14 and was SO ready! We taught him and he soaked it all up and wanted to go to church! It was so awesome. He may be only 14 but you know what 14 year old boys can do. They can change the world! So that was another miracle.
So those things happened and they were awesome. The work wasn’t very successful in our area with all these exchange fox had to go on but it was a fun week. This past Saturday there was a party for a family we are teaching and they had all sorts of people there! It was awesome! They also had us sing some songs which was ok. I don’t like singing but in Hmong I actually enjoy it. They were church hymns and they went pretty well. The whole party was for the grandparents of the family since the grandpa was really sick and we gave him a blessing. I noticed that out of all the people there were only 4 priesthood holders and me and fox were two of them. The Hmong people really do struggle when it comes to worthy priesthood holders. But after that we ate and it was CRAZY! They had killed a pig for the whole thing and they cooked it and when they brought it out and I saw the ears I couldn’t believe it! It was insane! It tasted really good though. I also made some really good friends too. They were all little kids of course but they were awesome! I also noticed something. When we first got there and were waiting for people to come I was playing with the kids and just goofing off then fox said we needed to go and talk with the older people. I didn’t like that at all I thought it was so boring and the whole time I wanted to be with the little kids. I just love little kids and i have come to the conclusion that I have to go into pediatrics.
Anyways that’s about it for my adventurous week. Pretty crazy huh? Well that can happen on a mission. It seems. No really good stories about food except yesterday I ate some really good fu.
Anyways I just want to say that I’m hanging in there out here in California even though the weather is getting cold and it has been raining all day today but I will survive! I’m a fighter! I also want to say that I love all of you TONS! I miss you much!
Love you!
Elder Eddie Holloway

so the pictures are the one's i was going to send last week. they are from the exchange i had where me and elder Bryant had Mexican food from the taco truck. yeah we liked it!
then there are some of my amazing chicken i made! and how i felt about it! it made me STRONG!!!! or as they say in Hmong HWJ CHIM HEEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah it looks good i know! I'm the greatest!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hey Family!
Hey there everyone how is everyone doing? Things out here in California have been so crazy this past week. It has been fun though! There were things almost everyday so can I just say that it was crazy.
First off on Tuesday we had a zone activity and so we had 12 missionaries playing football together. That was so much fun! It wasn’t tackle though which I wish it was but that’s ok it was football. I did pretty well too. I had an awesome interception like I did in the state game last year and it was just as cool. The only problem about playing football was the pain that came that came the next day. I hurt like heck!!!! Haha but it was awesome. Then that night me and elder fox got our bikes stolen. Well…. Kinda. We went to a part member family and they weren’t home so we left our bikes outside their house and then went around their apartment complex. We came back 15 minutes later and our bikes were gone and their lights were still out so we’re freaking out. We knock and they don’t answer so we knock again they still didn’t answer and we began planning what we were going to do until they opened the door. They had our bikes and it was a big relief!
Then on Tuesday we went to a volleyball game of one of our investigators named Julia again. She is on the 7th grade team at her school. It was an ok game. Not like the last couple because they dominated the first game. Then the next one they somehow lost then the last game they dominated again which was really boring. We went to another one on Thursday and that was a really good game. They played a rich team and you could tell because their uniforms and shoes were all nice and everything. It was funny they were all white girls then julia’s team were all hmong. Hmong people are amazing at volleyball! But the first game they almost had it then they ended up giving it away with bad playing. They then stepped it up in the second game and they won then the last game they gave it away again. That was their first loss of the year.
So something else that happened on Tuesday we went to a potential investigator’s house and he had all sorts of people there and the funniest thing is that they were all drunk! They were all drinking nd it was so funny because all of them were messing around and they were talking to us in hmong and they were just a funny bunch of people. The last thing that happened on Tuesday was that we got called a doctor by this little boy. It was the cutest thing. We were going to this house and this little boy saw us and was saying “hi doctor” we said hi back and he went and told his mom “the doctors said hi to me” it was the cutest thing!
So onto Friday. Nothing happened Wednesday and Thursday I told you about the game. So Friday we were able to go and play capture the flag with the youth of the branch. I love the branch and the kids in it. It’s like a big giant family and it is so awesome! It was so much fun. Also at the capture the flag I was introduced to the “jerk” dancing. What the heck is that!!! Anyone know about that because it was very interesting. The dances nowadays are so messed up it’s scary!
So now Saturday that was a fun day. We went to the vineyard of the church’s again but this time we gathered the grapes and rolled them up in a paper. It was awesome because we dominated when it came to time! We were the fastest people out of everyone. We got a row done in 20 minutes when others it took 30+ minutes. We are asian that’s all I can say about it. Also on Saturday we ran into some more drunk people who were doing one of the hmong culture rituals which was interesting but we didn’t see we just heard what was going on outside. We talked to a bunch of people outside and they were hammered which was funny! There is so much drinking and smoking out here in California it is ridiculous! But then later that day we went to the park because Julia wanted to practice some volleyball and so we went. Me and fox got there a little early and there was a hmong boy and his girlfriend practicing so we challenged them. It was a very close game and it was so fun! We ended up losing just barely after having the lead for a small time. The final score was 14 to 16 them it was fun!
So yesterday we had transfer calls. I am staying up in merced with elder fox but he is district leader which is going to make things interesting because he has to go on exchanges where he goes with other missionaries for a day and I’m left leading the area. So my hmong is going to get some practice which is something I need.
So now onto the final things. The work. It is going pretty good. We have one with a baptismal date. His name is yong and he is a lao guy. He’s awesome though and is really ready to be baptized. Then we have a couple others but they have a long way to go. As they progress I’ll describe them more and when I have a little more time and a less interesting week. Haha
But last but not least the food! This week has been full of food! Good and bad. The bad I had this sick nasty pork soup at the hmong ritual. It was so nasty and they had pepper in it also so that made it hot too. It was just nasty! Then we’ve had all sorts of fu this week! We had it 3 times. I’m not complaining though because I love it! Then you will never believe this. Yesterday I made some boneless chicken tacos! I cut the chicken up and put some spices in it and then some bbq sauce. Then threw them on tortillas with cheese and I was set! They were da bomb if I do say so myself!
So that’s my week. Full of stuff huh? Yeah it was awesome and fun. And things are going good out here as you can see. I do love my mission and everyday is an adventure. It is turning out pretty good. I guess I just needed to get through 6 months like momma said.
Anyways I just want to say that I love all of you and miss you all tons!
Hope everything is well with you
Love always
Elder eddie holloway

p.s. the pictures have my amazing chicken and me eating them. they are pretty much amazing! then it also has me eating one of my favorite foods! watermelon! i cut a big chunk out of the middle and ate it for you all!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hello there family!
Here is a shout out to everyone from California!!!! How is everyone doing? Sorry I didn’t write yesterday it was labor day meaning the libraries are closed and I am not able to email. So in those cases I am able to write on Tuesday at a very random time that meets the schedule of the day.
This past week has been full of all sorts of different things. One thing that went on was that we had the annual grape harvest on Saturday. The church has a huge grape area that we go and harvest grapes every September and they dry them into raisins and then get them packaged. It was a ton of fun. You should see the Hmong and mien people harvest. They are amazing! So fast and very good. Then you have me and elder fox who have a real hard time finding grapes and then all sorts of things happen. I wish I would have brought my camera. I forgot it because we had to get up at 5:30 and I was a little out of it and completely forgot it. But it was fun.
Yesterday for p-day me and elder fox went to another pair of elder’s house and played mormonopoly. Yeah it is exactly how it is spelled. It is monopoly with all sorts of Mormon places. It was pretty ghetto but I just had to laugh especially since it was for a bunch of missionaries! We played two games because the first one went by fast. Elder fox got the green area and had hotels on them quick and then it was all over. He took all three of us out with them then he got the blue section too. So we were doomed. I was the second of the three to get destroyed. I placed third so I wasn’t complaining. The next game was a little longer and was all mine. I started out and got the blue area then I traded and got the green then I got the yellow so I had a whole side. The only problem was that I had no money. But that changed with free parking (or as in the game “blessings”) and the game was mine. So that was a super fun p-day. It was even better because I was able to get 3 watermelons. They were having a sale for 1.50 per watermelon so I got two and then the other two elders gave me one so I was happy!
One other story… on Wednesday of last week we went and visited a less active woman. We talked with her for a bit then her little 4 year old daughter came out and we got to talking with her. She was so funny. She knew both Hmong and English and was pretty much teaching me words that I didn’t know. It kinda made me feel stupid but I laughed as well. We had a good time then we took all sorts of pictures. We took about 36 of them. It was so funny. I’ll attach a couple for you all. But her name was Kristy Xiong. She was the funniest girl! she had her own words for a couple things like Tinkerbell off of peter pan. She called him teeumbell. I just laughed my head off. It was so awesome!
So with the work. It is going alright. There really isn’t much progress yet. The two investigators we have have plateaued but we’re working on them. They’ll come around I know so that’s why I’m good. That’s one thing I’ve noticed about me is that I’m so laid back as a missionary and am cool with what people do. Sometime it drives me crazy but I still shake it off. I seem to be so much different that many missionaries who stress out like crazy. It’s quite funny if I do say so myself. Elder fox is kinda laid back to so that’s really nice.
So last but not least is the food aspect of things. This week was quite boring with food except one day. Me and elder fox ate a Thai pepper. They are tiny things but boy do they pack a punch! I bit into it and then swallowed it and it was good for the first 5 seconds. Then it felt like I had flames through my WHOLE MOUTH!!!!!! It was SO DANG HOT!!! i tried water and that didn’t help and the worst part was that we had to get going so we got on the bikes and my mouth was burning for about the next 10 minutes. It was bad!
That’s it for the food point of things. Just me being a dummy I’d have to say. But I hope everyone is doing really well. Things as you can see are good out here and I’m loving it. The people are awesome the weather is hot but it beats having it humid. At least it is dry!
Just want to say that I love all of you and miss you all tons!
Talk to you next week!
Elder Eddie Holloway

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hmong Families and My District

Here are a couple pictures with my favorite little Hmong baby. Yuna Her. Then there is an apostate one with her brother. I just had perfect timing. :) Then there is one with my district and then one with one of the Vang families they are just awesome!
hope you like!!

Service Project

This is a service project me and elder fox did for someone in the branch. he needed his drywall removed in his bathroom and we did it for him. yes i was doing work. (grandpa would be so proud. i didn't even run away) you like the star wars pictures. they were the masks we were wearing. pretty cool huh. yeah i know i'm lookin good! but i hope you like them! haha
love ya!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009