Monday, September 21, 2009

Hey Family!
Hey there everyone how is everyone doing? Things out here in California have been so crazy this past week. It has been fun though! There were things almost everyday so can I just say that it was crazy.
First off on Tuesday we had a zone activity and so we had 12 missionaries playing football together. That was so much fun! It wasn’t tackle though which I wish it was but that’s ok it was football. I did pretty well too. I had an awesome interception like I did in the state game last year and it was just as cool. The only problem about playing football was the pain that came that came the next day. I hurt like heck!!!! Haha but it was awesome. Then that night me and elder fox got our bikes stolen. Well…. Kinda. We went to a part member family and they weren’t home so we left our bikes outside their house and then went around their apartment complex. We came back 15 minutes later and our bikes were gone and their lights were still out so we’re freaking out. We knock and they don’t answer so we knock again they still didn’t answer and we began planning what we were going to do until they opened the door. They had our bikes and it was a big relief!
Then on Tuesday we went to a volleyball game of one of our investigators named Julia again. She is on the 7th grade team at her school. It was an ok game. Not like the last couple because they dominated the first game. Then the next one they somehow lost then the last game they dominated again which was really boring. We went to another one on Thursday and that was a really good game. They played a rich team and you could tell because their uniforms and shoes were all nice and everything. It was funny they were all white girls then julia’s team were all hmong. Hmong people are amazing at volleyball! But the first game they almost had it then they ended up giving it away with bad playing. They then stepped it up in the second game and they won then the last game they gave it away again. That was their first loss of the year.
So something else that happened on Tuesday we went to a potential investigator’s house and he had all sorts of people there and the funniest thing is that they were all drunk! They were all drinking nd it was so funny because all of them were messing around and they were talking to us in hmong and they were just a funny bunch of people. The last thing that happened on Tuesday was that we got called a doctor by this little boy. It was the cutest thing. We were going to this house and this little boy saw us and was saying “hi doctor” we said hi back and he went and told his mom “the doctors said hi to me” it was the cutest thing!
So onto Friday. Nothing happened Wednesday and Thursday I told you about the game. So Friday we were able to go and play capture the flag with the youth of the branch. I love the branch and the kids in it. It’s like a big giant family and it is so awesome! It was so much fun. Also at the capture the flag I was introduced to the “jerk” dancing. What the heck is that!!! Anyone know about that because it was very interesting. The dances nowadays are so messed up it’s scary!
So now Saturday that was a fun day. We went to the vineyard of the church’s again but this time we gathered the grapes and rolled them up in a paper. It was awesome because we dominated when it came to time! We were the fastest people out of everyone. We got a row done in 20 minutes when others it took 30+ minutes. We are asian that’s all I can say about it. Also on Saturday we ran into some more drunk people who were doing one of the hmong culture rituals which was interesting but we didn’t see we just heard what was going on outside. We talked to a bunch of people outside and they were hammered which was funny! There is so much drinking and smoking out here in California it is ridiculous! But then later that day we went to the park because Julia wanted to practice some volleyball and so we went. Me and fox got there a little early and there was a hmong boy and his girlfriend practicing so we challenged them. It was a very close game and it was so fun! We ended up losing just barely after having the lead for a small time. The final score was 14 to 16 them it was fun!
So yesterday we had transfer calls. I am staying up in merced with elder fox but he is district leader which is going to make things interesting because he has to go on exchanges where he goes with other missionaries for a day and I’m left leading the area. So my hmong is going to get some practice which is something I need.
So now onto the final things. The work. It is going pretty good. We have one with a baptismal date. His name is yong and he is a lao guy. He’s awesome though and is really ready to be baptized. Then we have a couple others but they have a long way to go. As they progress I’ll describe them more and when I have a little more time and a less interesting week. Haha
But last but not least the food! This week has been full of food! Good and bad. The bad I had this sick nasty pork soup at the hmong ritual. It was so nasty and they had pepper in it also so that made it hot too. It was just nasty! Then we’ve had all sorts of fu this week! We had it 3 times. I’m not complaining though because I love it! Then you will never believe this. Yesterday I made some boneless chicken tacos! I cut the chicken up and put some spices in it and then some bbq sauce. Then threw them on tortillas with cheese and I was set! They were da bomb if I do say so myself!
So that’s my week. Full of stuff huh? Yeah it was awesome and fun. And things are going good out here as you can see. I do love my mission and everyday is an adventure. It is turning out pretty good. I guess I just needed to get through 6 months like momma said.
Anyways I just want to say that I love all of you and miss you all tons!
Hope everything is well with you
Love always
Elder eddie holloway

p.s. the pictures have my amazing chicken and me eating them. they are pretty much amazing! then it also has me eating one of my favorite foods! watermelon! i cut a big chunk out of the middle and ate it for you all!

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