Monday, August 30, 2010

Hey there everyone!

How are all of you doing today? How was everyone’s week? As for mine it has been filled with all sorts of things the biggest of those is becoming district leader and getting a new missionary to team up with. So I think I will start there…..

As for being a district leader…. Right now it is alright. There are some good things and some bad things. It has really kept me busy which is good I like being busy. i have been planning a meeting that we have every week and am getting ready for that. I have all sorts of things I want to do and so I’ve been trying to organize some stuff so that it will be good. It is on Wednesday so I’ll let you know how it goes. There are a couple things that are a pain and that is dealing with the leaders above me because they are always sending me messages and telling me to send messages to the missionaries I look over and that is annoying but I jazz it up a little and have fun with it. The missionaries I look over seem to be liking what I am doing because they are enjoying things much more. So it has been fun so far. I have training this next week on Tuesday and Thursday and the meetings are for 6 hours! That is just ridiculous but I’ll survive. Haha

The new missionary I’m teamed up with is elder wilson. He is just awesome! Probably one of my favorite missionaries I’ve been teamed up with if not my favorite. He helps me a lot and is always trying to see if he can help in any way. He is SO good at hmong as well. He’s been out a year now but is just amazing at the language. I just let him do his thing and when it’s my turn I throw a little in and so it all works out. This is going to be a really good transfer and I’m really excited for it!

So a bit of information about this last week. OH before I forget I just realized that on Saturday September 4th I have been a missionary for 18 months!!!! That is just a TRIP! I didn’t believe I would ever make it this far but I’m excited and cannot wait for these next coming months to work hard.

So on Wednesday last week I almost burnt down the house. I was making some potato wedges in the oven and then I forgot about them and we went out and worked and then 4 hours later I remembered them and we zoomed home and I opened the door and it just stunk! Nothing burned down like I had imagined in my head on the bike ride home but it was nasty smelling but we opened the windows and things got much better but my potatoes were black and burnt to a crisp. Haha

That’s about it other than bike problems on Saturday night. We went and helped some people move all of Saturday and we moved for 6 hours! After we came home and both our back tires were flat and so we patched them up and by that time it was time for bed then we went to church the next day and we came home and mine was flat so I tried patching it up again and I threw in an old tire I had and hoped for the best and it worked. So we were able to get going.

So that is my week last week. Very eventful and I can see many events in this week as well. So I’ll update you next week. J

Anyways I just want all of you to know that I love all of you and miss you tons. But I have a little more to do as a missionary and I’m going to give it my all especially since this church is true and I need to share that with everyone.

Love all of you

Your favorite missionary

Elder Eddie Holloway