Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hello family and friends! (quick note! I will be email TUESDAY next week because I will be going to the temple on that day and that’s the P-day so it’s TUESDAY!)

How has everyone’s week been this past week? I hope that all is going well. Can I just say that it is SO HOT here now! It went from the 80’s the beginning of the week to 103 yesterday! I was SO glad we have miles to spare on the car and we get to drive. So that was definitely a good thing! Once the next month comes though it’s back on the bikes because we have to be good with our miles. That is going to be rough. But oh well! Haha

Anyways this past week has been a very eventful week. I’ll start with yesterday. I did SO much talking in church. So get this! I had to give a talk yesterday during sacrament. That was first. That went really well. I talked about how there is justice and mercy and how God’s laws and commandments are the justice because they will be fulfilled and how we all need mercy because we are all imperfect then I talked about how the Atonement of Jesus Christ is the mercy and we need that. The main focus is how we can Accept the Atonement in our lives. That is so crucial to life! And I hoped to get my point around because we cannot do it without Jesus Christ and His mercy. After that me and deyoung had to teach Sunday school we talked about King David and his rise and fall and his mistake he did. Then we finished it off in the last hour with me teaching a lesson on patience and a talk given by president uchtdorf on how we need patience. It was a good one for me because I have been working on that.

So Saturday was a crazy day as well. Me deyoung and nuttal helped move the mission president and his family which took 6 LONG HOURS! Haha it was SO long because it was just the four of us. So that was a big pain in the butt but we were able to help him out and so that made me feel good after I had gotten rest the next night. Haha

It has been fun being able to work merced and atwater because I get to see people I haven't seen in a while which has been nice. OH I forgot to say I made a little 10 year old boy cry this past week. That was a pain! Haha I didn’t even do anything that’s the crazy thing. He was just a big baby. What he was doing was just sitting there and he bent his elbow which bent a little farther than what it normally does and then I was like “that’s just crazy!” like I usually do and then he was ok with things and the next thing I know he is bawling! I said I was sorry and everything and I was just joking and stuff but he just cried worse and worse. It was so messed up! He was a cousin of one of the girls who just got baptized and he had already been baptized and so it wasn’t like it was someone who was investigating the church which I would have felt really bad. Haha I know I’m just terrible! Haha

The work is going really well this past week which has been really good. I have really enjoyed being with deyoung and nuttal. Yes they do drive me crazy a lot of the time but they are really awesome as well. Like yesterday we were up till almost 1 talking about gospel things and they helped me realize a ton of things and it was just a really good discussion and it is good teaming up with them even if they do drive me crazy at times.

So the last thing I’ll mention is the food aspect of things. I ate sushi this last week and the craziest thing is that I liked it! I was nervous eating it but after I ate it I tried more and more and the different types and it was SO good. So I like sushi which is something I would have rather died than ate back at home. I also had salmon which was way good as well so I’m starting to like seafood. (when it is done well) haha

Anyways that’s my week. Pretty eventful huh? It has been really good and I have really enjoyed it. I hope that everyone is doing well and things are going good for them. I love all of you and miss you all TONS!

Love always and forever

Elder Eddie Holloway