Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 2010

Hey everyone!

How are all of you doing this week? It has been quite a fun week so I’ll get into it.

Last Monday it was really rainy and it was CRAZY! Me and tuttle were on our way to go to an investigators house and there was a street that was COMPLETELY FLOODED! It was awesome! Some cars tried to go through and they got stuck and so me and tuttle got to go and rescue them! We were so wet the water was up to my knees in some parts. I’ll have some pictures of the water attatched so you can see. It was AWESOME! Then on the way back the two of us were already drenched so we decided to hit every puddle that was in our path and that was a BLAST! I had so much fun and I was dripping wet by the time we got to the apartment!

Then later this past week I went on an exchange (when you go to a different area for a day and with a different missionary) and it was a ton of fun. I even got offered some coffee that had to decline in hmong. I could smell it a mile away and wasn’t sure how to say we couldn’t drink it but it went well and the lady made us some hot chocolate instead. Haha

The work is picking up here and it is going really well. We are teaching a little more and that is always good. It is still a little difficult trying to teach in hmong because when they speak it is a little hard to understand exactly what they are saying. Like yesterday me and tuttle had to teach the hmong class in church about moses and the brass serpent and that was quite an adventure. It’s a good thing there are some hmong ladies that know what we are trying to say and they translate for us.

Nothing else has really happened except that I was able to eat watermelon for the first time! It was SO good and I had been waiting to have some since the last time I had eaten some! So I was happy!

Anyways that’s it for this week’s episode. Stay tuned for next week and see what happens!

Love all of you

Miss you Tons!

Love your favorite missionary

Elder Eddie Holloway
so there are some pictures taht are long overdue. they are of me and tuttle in the water adn then also us with the kids i talked aobut last week. then finally some of me and tuttle doing easter eggs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing tis week? I hope things are going well and you are enjoying things where you are. It has been really rainy and cold here this past week but it is ok because April showers bring may flowers as everyone says but I wish that the flowers would come without the showers. Haha mainly because we have to bike in it all the time and it is a pain in the butt.

This week has been pretty good. I forgot to say what happened last week the night before Easter where me and tuttle did Easter eggs which was a ton of fun! I had the dye all over my hands and it took days to get it off. I will send a picture of what they looked like.

It was a really fun week though and some pretty cool things happened. Like the other day when it wasn’t raining me and tuttle were going around and tried to go to someone we teach but he wasn’t home and he lives in a complex where there are Hmong kids all over. We got talking to them and they wanted to play some soccer so we ended up playing soccer with them and then took some pictures and just talked. It was SO much fun! I had a BLAST! I just love little Hmong kids because they have no prejudicism and they just love everyone. Especially when you speak their language. Haha so that was a ton of fun. I also had my first accident on my bike while in that complex this past week as well. I was doing pop a wheelies and I did a really high one but as I was going the bike went a little crooked and I went with it and ate it HARD! But the bike is doing good and all I got was a scrape on my knee and my butt was hurting a little after but I have plenty of cushion so it was ok. It was a good laugh. Speaking of accidents I saw someone get hit well rear ended by a car this past week as well. Me and tuttle were biking home and there was a motorcycle going the opposite direction but as we were passing on the opposite side of the street we saw a car accidentally hit him in the back and the bike started skidding on the ground and it sent up sparks and stuff and then he hit the ground and went rolling. We went to see if he was ok and he was. Nothing was wrong except he was a little mad that that had happened. He was an old guy and I was surprised that he was ok but the police were called and we headed on out after we knew he was ok.

So that was pretty much the week. I do have a food story though. Well not a story but I bought my FIRST watermelon of the year!!!!! I am SO excited to eat it! I will have to get a picture of my first bite and send it to everyone! Haha but other than that nothing much.

So that’s my week for you. I hope that everything is going good with you all and that life is good. Know that things are going well for me here in California. Also know that I love you and miss you!

Love your favorite missionary

Elder Eddie Holloway